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Marquette athletic director Bill Scholl plans to retire as he ends a decade

2024-06-03 18:54:24 [politics] Source:Culture Compass news portal

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Marquette athletic director Bill Scholl says he plans to retire and end his decade-long tenure as soon as the school names his successor.

Scholl, who took over as Marquette’s athletic director in 2014, announced his decision Tuesday.

“It has been an honor to work at such a special place surrounded by remarkable people,” Scholl said in a statement. “I am most proud of our student-athletes, who have excelled not only in competition but in the classroom and the community as women and men for others. My family and I deeply appreciate how this community has welcomed us from the start. Marquette will always have a special place in our hearts.”

Marquette is beginning a national search for a new athletic director with help from Collegiate Sports Associates. The search committee will be chaired by Kati Berg, a faculty athletics representative and associate professor at Marquette’s Diederich College of Communication.

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